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The Colors Of Flowers

Writer's picture: TMLDTMLD

Human beings first used natural colors centuries ago. During those times synthetic colors were not available. Flowers were the main source of color. This article does not intend to go into how the colors were extracted and so on, but how colors of flowers can make our life a better living experience. Let us examine.

Look at flowers. You will find a range of colors from purest white to black. Some flowers are single colored while many have colors so beautifully mixed that no painter can do something similar. The first observation we can make is – all colors look good on flowers. We may hate a color, for example you may dislike yellow. But if you pick up a yellow colored flower, you may not dislike it.

Why? Because the color merges so well with the structure and texture of the flower that it does not remain separate but merges totally in the flower. Even if you hold a yellow colored flower, you will not be noticing only the color, but the touch, the shape, the fragrance and the symmetry of the flower. Color has merged itself with other qualities to create something beautiful.

I have been talking about the colors. But I could have been as well talking about any other quality of the flower. If a quality does not overpower other qualities but merges with them the result can be great. We as human beings can do the same – as the members of a family, a team or a part of business group or as citizens of our nation. Instead of overpowering others with our qualities, if we try to merge and create a whole, the outcome will always be much better. The focus is to dissolve one’s individual ego and work together in tandem.

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